Tietoa yhdistyksestä tulossa myös englanniksi! Yhdistyksen syyskokous ja hallitus ovat linjanneet, että myös ulkomailla asuvat fanit ovat tervetulleita liittymään jäseniksi, kunhan hyväksyvät sen, että toimintamme on pääosin Suomessa tapahtuvaa ja suomenkielistä.

Ja jatkuu englanniksi, continues in English:

Soon on our website will have a section called International, it will contain information about our fan society in English and some other laguanges as well.

The foreign Ginga Fans are also welcome to join our fan society, if it is not a problem that most of our action will be in Finnish and in Finland.

Information about The Ginga Fan Society of Finland in Ginga Board.



Suomen Hopeanuoli-fanit ry is an official fan society of Ginga in Finland. It is started by fans in January 2012 and it is officially registerated in Finland. Home city is Tampere. Our society hosts Ginga-themed program in events like i.e. Animecon, publish Finnish member magazine about Ginga and fan comic magazine, have small Ginga clubs in different cities in Finland and other sort of fan meetings and action.

The purpose of Ginga fan society is also make Ginga more well known in Finland and in the world. Every time we keep Ginga Room in some con we have with us fan society's own Ginga Libary where people can learn know this series better. In outside of Finland we'll be happy to help and support fans to come together like we have done and start own fan societies. We are also very interested to collaborate with other fan societies of Ginga and also other kind of societies, groups and companies, which has something to do with Ginga, manga or animals.

The Ginga Fan Society of Finland also supports animal protection work. On the moment Finnish animal protection society called Friends for Homeless Dogs is our support target. We have collected and donated over 200€ for them in this year to support them important job for helping Romanian street dogs. Mostly we help animal protection work with making it part of Ginga fan activity. In cons we have hosted Ginga Lottery, lucky dips and other games. We also have had some information brochures about helping animals in our info tables.



Fans who lives outside of Finland are welcome also to join our society. Only that most of our program will be in Finland and in Finnish, but if it doesn't matter and somebody want's to join it is possible.

Costs 5€ per year. Member must be minimum 11 years old.

The payment must be done to bank in euros, paypal is not possible at this moment.

First send your information to our secretary:

Type of membership: Normal member
First name and surname:
Date of birth: day.month.year (like i.e. 20.05.1989)
Postal code:
Post place:
Mother language:
Date: day.month.year

Payment is due by: (Name, if payment will not come from your own account)
Minors need parents permission for joining:
-Free form text where parent mentions his/her own name and gives permission to his/her child for join-

E-mail this to sihteeri[at]hopeanuolifanit.fi

Second you will get answer where is information about paying the membership to our bank account IN EUROS.

Third when the payment has arrived, our treasurer (me at this moment) confirms it to secretary and he will send you email to confirm your membership.

As a member, you will get account to our website forum and chat. There will come one board for international conversation "In English", becouse in this moment everything is in Finnish.. With account can see everything website includes. For members there is Ginga Comics, place for own fan art, our fan magazine in pdf and other sort of stuf..

Members are also avaivable to become active members if they want and take a part of making program in our society.

Members will also get member cards, when society gets them done. (On the moment we are waiting answer from the company which should print them...) Member magazine, our t-shirts and other things are also cheaper for members and they will get special offers from our partners like Futago Shop, Urumi, Ginga-kauppa and Manga Cafe (in Helsinki).